Psalm 1: The Blessed Life

Psalm 1

1 Blessed is the one

    who does not walk in step with the wicked

or stand in the way that sinners take

    or sit in the company of mockers,

2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,

    and who meditates on his law day and night.

3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,

    which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither—

    whatever they do prospers.

4 Not so the wicked!

    They are like chaff

    that the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,

    nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,

    but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

Like a tree planted by streams of water, we are called to remain close to Christ, delight in His ways, and meditate on His law day and night. By doing so, we will experience the true prosperity God promises, that is, a life of purpose, fruitfulness, and eternal impact. By reflecting on the contrasting paths of righteousness and wickedness, let’s examine how God’s guidance and His Word play a critical role in our everyday choices.

Firstly, What is NOT Meant by “Blessed Life”?

For many today, the word “blessed” has come to mean financial success or material wealth. However, it’s important to recognize that the Bible doesn’t define blessing in terms of financial prosperity. While finances can be part of a blessed life, they are not the core of what Scripture means by being blessed. If we limit the idea of blessing to wealth, we miss what the Bible is really teaching us.

The blessed life is not about success by worldly standards. You could be incredibly successful in society, yet without knowing Jesus, it all amounts to chaff – here one day, gone the next. A life disconnected from Christ has no lasting impact, no eternal significance. But for those who belong to Jesus, the Lord knows their way. He sees their path, He delights in it, and He rewards it.

What Does it Mean to Live a Blessed Life According to God’s Word?

In the Bible, the blessed life is described as a sense of God’s presence, like a steady wind filling our sails and guiding us forward with joy and purpose. This is the true meaning of being blessed: living in alignment with God’s plan and experiencing His peace and fulfillment. Ultimately, this is what we all desire, whether we follow Christ or not. We long for contentment, true happiness, and a sense of purpose, but it can often feel just out of reach, like an elusive treasure. So, what hinders us from experiencing the fullness of the blessed life?

What Hinders Us?

Psalm 1:1 begins with an intentional choice to follow God’s wisdom and guidance rather than the advice and patterns of the world. The verse warns against three progressive steps that lead one away from the blessed life: walking in the counsel of the wicked, standing in the way of sinners, and sitting in the seat of scoffers. Each step represents a deeper level of engagement with ungodly influences, pulling us further from God’s plan.

1. Walking in the Counsel of the Wicked refers to taking advice or guidance from those who do not follow God’s ways. It may not always seem blatantly evil, but it involves listening to and valuing the world’s opinions over God’s truth. In today’s culture, this could mean allowing media, peers, or societal norms to shape your decisions and priorities. It’s about adopting perspectives that might seem logical or appealing but are ultimately in opposition to God’s commands.

2. Standing in the Way of Sinners signifies a move from passive listening to active participation in behaviors that are against God’s will. It goes beyond hearing ungodly advice and begins to affect the choices we make. Standing in the way of sinners means allowing wrong influences to shape our character and actions. It may look like compromising your values to fit in or turning a blind eye to behaviors that contradict Scripture.

3. Sitting in the Seat of Scoffers represents the deepest level of influence, where one not only participates in ungodly behavior but also takes pleasure in it and even mocks those who follow God’s ways. At this point, a person is no longer just influenced by the world, they become aligned with it and take on an attitude of pride and rebellion against God’s truth. This could be seen in a hardened heart that ridicules spiritual principles or looks down on those who live by God’s standards.

Righteous vs Wicked

Psalm 1 contrasts the wicked with the blessed:


The wicked are like chaff – light, dry, and easily blown away by the wind. Chaff, the worthless husk that covers grain, has no substance or value. In the threshing process, it’s separated and discarded because it serves no lasting purpose.

A life rooted in Christ bears fruit that blesses others, but a life apart from God, no matter how successful it might appear, is ultimately short-lived. It lacks eternal impact. The pleasures, achievements, and successes of those who don’t know Christ might seem substantial for a time, but they are like chaff – quickly scattered and forgotten.

Psalm 1 vs 5 warns that “the wicked will not stand in the judgment”, meaning that they will not endure when it truly matters. On the day of judgment, when God separates the righteous from the wicked, those without Christ will be excluded from the congregation of the righteous, having no part in the eternal blessings promised by God.


Psalm 1:3 – “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” This metaphor of the tree is powerful. It speaks of a healthy life – someone able to grow, withstand challenges, and be a blessing to others.  To live set apart means making God’s Word your guide, finding your identity in Him, and rejecting the values of the world that are contrary to His truth. It requires discernment, prayer, and a commitment to godly influences that strengthen your faith. Delighting in God’s law and meditating on it day and night (Psalm 1:2).

The Apostle Paul says it this way: “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18). He continues later: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.” (1 Corinthians 3:19a).

Living set apart means choosing righteousness in the midst of worldly influences, and should not be confused with isolation. It means cultivating a deep relationship with God, being guided by His Word, and surrounding yourself with godly counsel. When you live this way, you reflect God’s character and become a light to others, ultimately experiencing the true blessings He promises.

What does it mean to delight in God’s law?

Imagine the delight you feel when enjoying your favorite things, like savoring a scoop of your favorite gelato or traveling to breathtaking places near crystal-clear ocean waters or magnificent waterfalls. These experiences fill us with awe, joy, and refreshment. These joys are temporary, but meditating on God’s Word grounds us in His presence, giving us lasting peace and purpose.To truly experience the blessed life, we are called to delight even more than this in God’s Word and His ways – in Him. Psalm 1:2 teaches us that the key to a blessed life is meditating on the law of the Lord day and night.

The “law of the Lord” refers to God’s instructions, commands, and teachings as revealed in Scripture, that God gave to guide His people in living a holy, righteous, and blessed life. 

Delighting in the law of the Lord means finding joy in His truth, seeking His guidance in daily life, and aligning our hearts with His purposes.

It’s not wrong to celebrate and love the good things in life; after all, God gives us these joys as a reflection of His goodness. As wonderful as these pleasures are, God calls us to something even greater: a deeper joy found in Him alone. Our relationship with God should be our greatest source of delight. 

Drawing closer to God begins with a decision. Start small, make time, and soon, you’ll find that you long for more of Him. As you meditate on His Word, you’ll experience a deeper connection with the One who loves you most.

How Can I Be Blessed?

If you don’t know Jesus today, He is inviting you into this eternal blessed life. This is more than a temporary success or fleeting joy. It’s an everlasting relationship with the God who created you, knows you, and loves you. The Lord longs for you to walk with Him and experience the fullness of life that only He can offer. Say “yes” to Him today, and step into the life He has prepared for you!

If you know Jesus, follow our pathway and discover how to:

  • Discover
    • Learn to study God’s Word, making it easier to see the wisdom and delight in His design.
    • Learn to reflect on how your life mimics or rejects the Gospel, making it easier to see where improvements need to be made, through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
  • Prioritise
    • Learn to prioritise God’s Word, so as to keep treasuring it above all else.
    • Get practical guides on how to manage time and cultivate good habits, to reflect the wisdom, truth and love found in God’s Word.
  • Advance
    • Find places and people to share the Gospel.
    • Get inspired to walk your own journey of generosity, using your God-given skills, talents, gifts, resources, time and energy to better impact the world.

Check out this article on the 6 Stages of Faith to discover where you are and how you can take the next step forward.

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