New Year's Fireworks

New Year, New Life

Every year, people around the world set New Year’s resolutions in the hopes of making positive changes in their lives. Here are three of the most common ones:

  • Quit smoking
  • Lose weight or get fit
  • Learn something new

Similarly, many Christians set spiritual resolutions to grow closer to God. Some popular ones include:

  • Read the Bible More Consistently
  • Pray More Intentionally
  • Attend Church Regularly
  • Serve in the Church or Community
  • Memorize Scripture

Yet, despite the best intentions, many of these resolutions remain unchanged year after year. Why? Because most people struggle to stick with them. 

This highlights a critical distinction: the difference between an idea and a belief.

Idea v Belief

An idea is a suggestion, a possible course of action that in most cases does not change behaviour.

A belief is an idea of which one is certain, something that will alter behaviour because it is seen as the only way forward.

The same can be said of the Christian faith. You may think it is a good idea – that church is a useful institution, there is a God somewhere out there, and the Bible is a useful book – but that will NEVER make you pursue Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. That happens when you believe. When you believe in Jesus Christ it is inevitable that there will be action. Your life will definitely change!

When you think about the year to come, what do you believe? We’re not asking, “what do you think is a good idea?” What can you dwell on for the year ahead that will affect your behaviour and allow you to make history?

Romans 12:1-2:

I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

There are four key points in this passage that will genuinely help you to make history in the new year to come. They are not ideas, they are beliefs!


Paul is writing this just after he has explained how incredible God’s grace is, how Jesus’ death and resurrection made a way for all peoples to have a relationship with Jesus. All peoples destined for an eternity in Hell, have the opportunity to be forgiven of their sin and to enjoy a friendship with the living God.

Believe and Accept Jesus

    Paul challenges people to do something because of ‘the mercies of God’. Other translations may say the “compassion” of God. What is the compassion of God? It is the Gospel. It is the good news of the mighty, powerful, glorious, holy King Jesus. He passionately pursues a relationship with a broken people destined for Hell. There is no hope of changing course but to turn to him, repent of sin and believe in Jesus. He then takes your sin, your mess, on himself – your sins are wiped clean, and the trajectory of your life moves from Hell to Heaven and, most importantly, you enjoy restored relationship with God. That is mercy. That is compassion. That is grace. That is the first step to making history in the new year: believe and accept Jesus!

    Daily Offer ALL of Yourself for God’s Fame

      Once you get part one as a belief, your behaviour will change to part two. Inevitably you will want to give God your life! Gratitude and thanksgiving will overflow because of what He has done for you – so much so that you WANT to offer your body! This area is something you may struggle with because of your sinful nature, fear, incorrect belief in part one or many other reasons.

      When Paul talks about our body, it means all of our life and all activities that we take part in. Everything! We dedicate it to the Lord. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul says: “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

      Paul is using the basics of eating and drinking to explain that we can do everything with an awareness of God! In effect, we are to live, on purpose, for God’s fame. Instead of thinking “Maybe I will just flow into it one day” you actively choose to say, “Lord, I want all of my life to be for you”.

      The end result is that wherever you are, however you are placed, whatever you are doing – you can thrive because you know that you are where God wants you. A living sacrifice says, “I have laid down my life for God, and God lives through me in every aspect of my life”. And keeps doing that every day!

      The incredible thing about this is that nothing in life is mundane or boring. You can wash dishes to the glory of God. It is so important to realise that you can eat meals to the glory of God and go to school for the glory of God. It is amazing that how you wake up, how you mow the lawn and how you treat your boss is not mundane. It is all spiritual, it is all worship, it can all be effective and valuable in God’s Kingdom!

      Scandalously, even with all your sin, offering yourselves to Jesus as Christ followers is a holy and acceptable gift to the Lord because in Jesus you are perfect. Thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice, you are made right with God. You are holy and blameless in His site! Isn’t that incredible!? It doesn’t matter what you have done or where you have messed up to this point, you can daily offer yourself to Jesus Christ as holy and acceptable.

      And if you are reading this and you don’t have a relationship with Jesus – please do get in touch and I would love to share more about what it means to be a Christ follower.

      Do Not Be Conformed to This World

        You now have the foundation: belief in Jesus and surrendering your entire life to Him.

        Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

        Beware, sin and society will attempt every means to derail you. Be vigilant and on your guard.

        This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:5-7

        Just because ‘everyone does it’ or something is widely accepted in society doesn’t make it right. There may be things that are acceptable to many people in your society, but that doesn’t mean it honors the Lord. You must not conform. Jesus calls us to be different and set apart.

        There are countless areas where Christ-followers may be tempted to conform to what society deems normal. Here are just some examples, with Scripture to guide us:

        Materialism and Greed

        • Society often glorifies the pursuit of wealth, status, and possessions.
        • The Bible warns against storing up treasures on earth and encourages a spirit of generosity and contentment (Matthew 6:19-21, Hebrews 13:5).

        Lack of Care for the Poor and Oppressed

        • Society may often overlook or justify inequality and neglect for vulnerable populations.
        • God calls His people to care for the poor, widows, orphans, and the oppressed (Proverbs 31:8-9, Isaiah 1:17).

        Cancel Culture and Lack of Forgiveness

        • Cancel culture promotes unforgiveness and harsh judgment, often rejecting the possibility of redemption.
        • Jesus teaches the importance of forgiveness and grace (Matthew 6:14-15, Colossians 3:13).

        Dishonesty and Compromise

        • In many contexts, dishonesty, such as exaggerating achievements, cutting corners, or accepting bribes, is seen as “just business.” However, God calls His people to integrity and truth.
        • “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” (Proverbs 11:3)

        The Bible is clear: we are not to conform. We are to be above reproach. We are to be as different as light is to darkness.

        As you read this, what is the Lord convicting you of? What areas of your life are looking more like the darkness than the light?

        Daily Renew Our Minds

          Once you realize that you are conforming to the world, the way to change is to be transformed by the renewing of your minds. Transformed has its origin in three Greek words which, when combined, give us the English word metamorphosis: to change from the inside out. Alter our beliefs internally in the control center of our body, the mind, and then our actions will begin to change.

          Your mind controls your attitudes, thoughts, feelings and therefore your actions. So to change our behavior, we need to change what your mind thinks and believes! As you allow, that is the key word, ALLOW God to change your mind, your desires will become Gods and you will find that you are being transformed!

          What we feed our minds with will determine the trajectory of our life. Feed on the things of God, your output will be a life lived for God! How do we do that? There is no hard and fast rule or formula, but it is time spent with Him. Quiet times, podcasts, talking about Him with your spouse and your family, and ultimately allowing what He says to flow through us and dictate how we see the world!

          The result is that you will start to know and want God’s will and you will really believe that it is good, acceptable and perfect. It won’t be an idea for you that God’s will is best – it will be a belief and so your life will start to look more and more like the glorious life He has called you to!

          Lasting Change

          First, we believe in Him. Then, we surrender ourselves fully to Him. This surrender leads us to reject conformity to the ways of this world. As we align our lives with God’s will, our minds are renewed, and true transformation begins from the inside out. This inward belief naturally flows into our actions and beliefs, shaping the way we live.

          Learn more about how the Spirit transforms our lives.

          This is the foundation for making lasting changes in the new year. It’s how we leave a lasting impact on this world for God’s glory and live with true purpose. When we offer ourselves to Jesus daily, we can live every day with meaning and significance.

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