Photograph of flowers in a jar with a sunlight hitting the wall in the background

It is okay to feel ordinary

To feel ordinary does not mean you’re unimportant

Chickens are the most common birds on Earth. There are about 50 billion chickens on the planet. They seem very ordinary when compared to majestic eagles or colorful toucans. It would be easy to focus all our attention on admiring and praising the beauty of other birds, and forget that chickens are a crucial part of our ecosystem, and are unbelievably fruitful – they provide us with eggs that we may take for granted every day, but give us sustenance to live.

We can look at humans in the same way. Not all of us will be recognised and praised for what we do, but that does not make our lives any less important to the Lord, or impactful for His Kingdom. I am pretty certain that the applause of Heaven may be reserved for the people who the world didn’t really recognise – those who feel ordinary and plain. Huge reward may be in store for the ‘chickens’ who faithfully lived the life God called them to, listened for His voice each day and followed Christ wholeheartedly. It is okay to feel ordinary.

God has prepared good work for you

Look at what Ephesians 2:10 says:

​For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

You were created for a life of purpose and God has called us to live ordinarily extraordinary lives! Each one of us has been given unique talents, gifts, and opportunities to fulfill our purpose in God’s grand plan. Don’t worry about whether eagles and toucans are in the spotlight and you aren’t. Pursue Jesus with all your heart – that’s what matters most!

In God’s Kingdom, the value and purpose of each individual are not determined by worldly recognition or fame but by the sincerity of their faith and the obedience to God’s calling in their lives. It’s often the hidden, unnoticed acts of faithfulness that hold the most significance in the eyes of God.

Throughout history, we see countless examples of individuals who may have been considered “ordinary” by the world’s standards, yet their lives made an extraordinary impact in the Kingdom of God. These faithful “chickens” were diligent in following Christ, loving others, and living out their calling with devotion and humility, and they learned to step out in faith.

As you journey through life, it’s essential to focus on pursuing Jesus with all your heart and trusting in His divine guidance. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t find yourself in the spotlight, feel ordinary, or if your actions seem small and unnoticed. God sees and values every step you take in faith.

Embrace the ordinary

Let your heart be at peace knowing that God has a specific plan for your life, and your worth is not measured by the world’s standards but by your dedication to following Christ. It is okay to feel ordinary. Embrace the ordinary, knowing that in the eyes of God, there is immense beauty and significance in the seemingly mundane moments.

Ultimately, the applause of Heaven awaits those who remain steadfast in their faith and seek to walk in the good works prepared for them by God. Live an extraordinary life by loving God and others wholeheartedly, and in doing so, you’ll discover the true fulfillment and purpose that comes from living in alignment with God’s will.

It’s okay to feel ordinary. In fact, it’s important to embrace your ordinariness. It’s what makes you unique and special. It’s what allows you to connect with others on a deeper level. It’s what gives you the opportunity to make a difference in the world in your own small way.

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