Woman walking through sand dunes, leaving footprints in the sand

How to Know Your Purpose in Life

Answering God’s call.

The sun rose over the mountains as I opened my computer, seemingly starting an ordinary day as a student preparing to complete my university education. However, my heart skipped a beat as I read the lines of the new email that had just arrived in my inbox. I knew that the trajectory of my life was about to change.

The words on my screen contained a God-given challenge to move away from the life of comfort and security that I was currently focused on, and into one of faith and trust. The request was to step into youth ministry in my country of birth, at a time when most people couldn’t wait to leave it.

As a 23-year-old about to finish my studies, I knew that this was a moment that would shape my short life on Earth. It sparked memories of being on exhilarating youth camps as a young, inquisitive teenager. It began to coax a small fire deep within my soul.

When considering your purpose in life, be reminded of the following three truths:

  • The call of Jesus may not always be easy, but it is always worth it. James 1:2-4 
  • We can trust that God will provide for us and guide us through whatever challenges we face. Proverbs 3:5-6
  • When we follow Jesus, we are never alone. He is always with us, and he will never leave us or forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:6

My heart began to race, and my faith began to rise. The peace I had been searching for settled in, and joy bubbled to the surface. I replied “yes”, clicked send, and packed my bags to return home.

My purpose in Zimbabwe, and your purpose in life.

I was born and raised in Zimbabwe, a country with a unique shape that resembles a teapot. It is home to Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, where smoke thunders as mighty waters crash over looming cliffs. It’s a land with red earth is so rich in nutrients that it was once called the breadbasket of Africa.

However, Zimbabwe has also been through a lot of challenges in recent years. Hyperinflation, political instability, and violence have plagued the country. Despite these challenges, Zimbabwe is still a land of great beauty and resilience. The people are warm and welcoming, and the culture is deeply rich and vibrant.

Today I am proud to call Zimbabwe my home. It is a country of contrasts, where good and evil, beauty and brokenness, coexist. I also believe that Zimbabwe is also a land of great hope. The people are resilient and determined, and I believe that they will overcome the challenges they face.

I am excited to be living in Zimbabwe, to have the opportunity to use my skills and talents to make a difference in my country. I believe that I can help to bring hope and healing to a nation that has been through so much. I was ready to answer the call and be a part of the solution.

Yes, Zimbabwe is a land of beauty and brokenness, where goodness and evil exist alongside each other. The same could be said for your home country, and it is so important that we see these astounding contrasts wherever we live. It is because we live where two kingdoms collide. In the midst of these many opposites, we must see our spiritual purpose as Christ-followers. The Great King calls us to be His faithful servants as He brings the Unseen Kingdom to earth – to see love breakout and evil pushed back. As surely as the sun rises each day, glimpses of this Unseen Kingdom will be seen.

The Apostle Paul fixed his eyes on this Kingdom rather than the temporary things of this world. It is the only Kingdom worth giving our lives for. What a magnificent Kingdom it is! It overflows with joy and is free from the grip of sin. What’s more, the reward for putting Jesus first in this lifetime is not worth comparing to any trial you and I may face during our cameo performance in the great play. Our lives on earth are a mist, a vapor. We only have one shot – let’s use our time wisely. Seek God for your purpose.

The Lord has placed you where you are.

The Lord has placed us all where we are for a reason. He knows what we need and what we are capable of. He is also calling us into an exhilarating life, a life that is full of purpose and meaning.

God is calling you to the exhilarating life He has prepared for you. He may be asking you to leave what you know and follow him into the glorious unknown. Will you answer the call? Will you reply yes?

When Jesus stopped by the fishing boats of Peter and his friends, he was calling them to leave their old lives behind and follow him. This was a big ask, and it would have been easy for them to say no. They chose to trust Jesus, and they knew that he was calling them to something greater.

So Peter and his friends dropped their nets and followed him and they never looked back. The same is true for us. When Jesus calls us to something new, it can be scary. We may not know what the future holds, and we may be afraid of the unknown. If we trust Jesus, we know that he will never lead us astray. When Jesus calls you to leave what you know and follow him, don’t hesitate. Say yes and send that reply.

Consider some specific examples of how the Lord may be calling you to an exhilarating life:

  • He may be calling us to leave our current job and start a new business.
  • He may be calling us to move to a new city or country.
  • He may be calling us to get married or have children.
  • He may be calling us to serve in a ministry or mission.
  • He may be calling us to step out in faith and do something we’ve never done before.

If you are feeling called by Jesus to something new, I encourage you to pray about it and seek wise counsel. Then, take a step of faith and say yes to His call.

Additional Reading:

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