Pt.1 An Introduction to the Great Commission

Video description

In this video, Craig shares his vision of helping people discover their God-given purpose and live with an eternal perspective. He reflects on the brevity of life compared to eternity, illustrated through the analogy of a dot on a string, which has deeply influenced him. The focus of the session is on “doing church simply,” aiming to empower church leaders to live out and prioritize the Great Commission within their communities. This is part one of a series, where Craig sets the stage for practical discussions on implementing these principles.


Hi there, my name is Craig Roberts, and I lead Hope Church in Harare, Zimbabwe, and then oversee an organization called Unseen Pursuit, where Our heart is to help people discover their God-given purpose and then to live on earth with an eternal perspective, so it’s just wonderful to be able to share with you for these few moments together. I’m just so excited about what God has in store for us.

I’ve always been challenged by the thought of how short life is compared to all eternity, and some of you might have heard of a picture before, which involves a string that somebody put around the ceiling of the room that they were in, and then they went in with a mighty marker they got the string, and they put a tiny little dot on it, a tiny little mark. From there they said, well, this little dot represents life on earth compared to the string around the room of all eternity.

Ever since I heard that as a teenager, it stuck with me. It’s made me just want to make the most of every moment that I have on earth, because the reality is for each of us, we don’t know how long we have, we don’t know the time that we have left, but we can make the most of today. We can make the most of the time that we have. That’s what I trust that we’ll be able to do as we dive into this webinar today.

So, what I wanted to speak about in the time that we have together is doing church simply. And when I say that, it’s helping us personally, as church leaders, live out the Great Commission and then help the rest of our church and then the community beyond that, to do the same and to prioritize that. My heart is that we would keep the main thing, the main thing, and that we would live out the Great Commission. We’re going to share on that in a short bit, practically in every possible way.

Pt. 2 – Living out the great commission as church leaders

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