Abide: The Path to Joy

What does it mean to abide in God? And how does that bring me joy? What is the path to joy? Explore these words from Jesus in John 15. He uses the vine as a metaphor, to help us see why God promises joy through abiding in Him.

What is joy?

Dictionary definition is usually the place to start. Joy is described as “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness”, or “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires”, or even “a vivid emotion of pleasure arising from a sense of well-being or satisfaction; the feeling or state of being highly pleased or delighted”.

These definitions show that joy is beyond mere happiness. Christians have another frame of reference to explore which further amplifies this idea. The Bible describes joy in the following ways:

John 15 describes joy as something deeply connected to abiding in Jesus. In verse 11, Jesus says, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” The phrase “these things” refers to His teaching about abiding in Him, the true vine (verse 4). This abiding is essential because apart from Him, there is no true life (verse 6), and only through Him can we bear fruit (verse 5). His joy becomes ours as we remain in Him, leading to a joy that is complete and overflowing.

Why is joy important?

Paul commands believers to rejoice, and in Galatians he mentions it as a fruit of the Spirit. So why is it important?

It shows others that our faith is real (verse 8)! Whilst we never truly know whether someone is abiding in Jesus, we can see the fruit which normally reflects that relationship. This encourages other believers that our faith is real. It should prompt them to encourage us further, and be spurred on to good works of their own.

More importantly, it shows non-believers that our faith is real, life-changing. When we truly experience joy, even beyond our circumstances, it bears witness to our faith in what we do not see (James 1:2). Others may see and be drawn by this. It is a powerful testimony.

It is also a promise from God (verse 11). This is a relief, because it means we can rely on God’s character. We can trust him to give us increasing joy as we abide in Him more and more, because it is the very reason Jesus spoke these words.

C.S Lewis’ testimony

C.S. Lewis, renowned author of The Chronicles of Narnia series, was once a staunch atheist. His path to Christianity was significantly influenced by the evident joy and faith of his Christian friends, notably J.R.R. Tolkien. Observing their deep-seated happiness and conviction, Lewis set about a journey of intellectual and spiritual exploration, ultimately leading him to become a Christian. He went on to become one of the most influential Christian thinkers and apologists of the 20th century.

What is the path to joy?

God is joy. Ultimately, He is where our joy comes from, and He is where you find it in abundance.

We all celebrate and rejoice in sacrificial love amongst ourselves: a firefighter risking his life to save an old lady from a burning building; a mother putting herself between her child and the gun-wielding intruder. Jesus knows this, and says in verse 13: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends”.

Where do we find a greater friend than Jesus, the son of God, who gave up his life for us? He loved us sacrificially, even when we did not choose him (verse 12 & 16).

Reflect & Apply:

  • What circumstances, mindsets, or habits might be limiting your experience of joy, and how can you surrender them to God?
  • How does your understanding of God’s presence and promises influence your ability to find joy in both blessings and trials?
  • How can you cultivate more joy in:
    • Devotion and prayer (desire, knowledge, understanding, conviction)
    • Work (career path, work/life balance, relationships)
    • Church (tithing, serving, communing)
    • Relationships (wife, children, family, friends, non-believers)
  • In what practical ways can you intentionally bring joy into your daily routines, work, and relationships, reflecting Christ’s love to those around you? (Acts 20:35)


Lord Father God, thank you that through your Holy Spirit you have given me everlasting peace of mind in Jesus Christ, who died as a sacrifice to atone for my sins. Give me joy overflowing from the grace of this immeasurable gift. Grant me strength and discipline to abide in you daily, no matter how I feel, that I may have joy and bear fruit from it, all for your glory.

Check out this article on more ways to seek and find joy in your Christian walk.

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