Part 1 of The Money Grid: A Biblical Guide for Money and Possessions


Every aspect of our lives, including our financial decisions, is an opportunity to glorify God and serve His divine purpose. In this plan, we’ll explore four aspects of money that help us see it through Jesus’ perspective, and how our faith can shape our approach to money, wealth, and abundance. We’ll delve into timeless biblical principles that guide us toward financial stewardship aligned with God’s will.

Money and Happiness

Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one. –Benjamin Franklin

King Solomon, known to be the wealthiest man that has ever lived, at the peak of his wealth said, ”I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”

Our Feelings About Money – The Money Grid

Just the mention of the M word may bring about certain feelings in your heart, but it is so important for us to look at money from God’s perspective, because God’s word has an answer for everything, including money.  

When money is mentioned, at least in faith based circles, I would say there are four main feelings we could have:


 It may remind you of the prosperity gospel that is rife in Zimbabwe where I live, and on tv stations around the globe. And that is valid. It is terrible to see the abuse of people in the name of faith to generate personal wealth. It is unbiblical. But don’t worry, this isnt that! But for very valid reasons, you may have concerns when either a pastor, or organisation speaks about money.


 It is possible that you feel uncomfortable when this topic is mentioned because either money is something you never feel you have enough of. Maybe you are always scrambling to make ends meet and it feels as though you don’t know where the next dollar is going to come from. Or money and possessions are something you have much and hold onto dearly. For you, the thought that God might challenge you on this topic is not something you want to hear. Can I please encourage you to open your heart to Him right now as you read.

He loves you more than you can imagine and if He is challenging you on this topic – it is because He does not want it to hold you back from the purpose He has for your life!


 Some of you may be a little indifferent. You haven’t heard this topic written about and so this is all very new for you. I trust this will give you biblical clarity on the topic on money from an biblical and eternal perspective.


 Some of you may be really excited about this topic! You live a generous life. You love to bless people. You love stewarding God’s resources well for His Kingdom Advance! And for you I would say, this will only excite you more! Stay close to Him and keep allowing Him to use you for His fame in this key area of our lives.

What does the Bible say about money?

Regardless of which of the four feelings you may have, I know that Jesus wants to speak to us about the topic of money and possessions. Scripture has a lot to say about money. From Genesis to Revelation we see God address this topic. Jesus spoke about money as much as he did many other important topics such as faith, prayer and hell.

Many of his parables speak about money, or topics related to money. If we can handle this resource wisely it can become a place of great joy and purpose in our lives, and unwisely at best it can become something that holds us back from impact on earth and reward for all eternity and at worst, it can become a root of all kinds of evil as it says in 1 Timothy 6:10.

Money is not evil, but it can most definitely be a root, a source of much evil. Jesus knows that it can have a hold on us like nothing else, so I want us to see money and possessions in the best possible context, and that is God’s.

There is a well known saying, ‘money makes the world go round.’ And in many ways that is true. Regardless of our wealth bracket or demographic, money and possessions are part of our lives and affect us directly, or indirectly everyday.

Famous Quotes

I have found some great quotes about money from different people in society and some may resonate with your relationship to money and possessions:

“I’m scared to death of being poor. It’s like a fat girl who loses 500 pounds but is always fat inside. I grew up poor and will always feel poor inside. It’s my pet paranoia.” –Cher

The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money. –Anonymous

“Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.” –Will Smith

JD Rockeffeller, hugely wealthy American when asked how much money is enough answered, “just a little bit more.”


As we reflect on our approach to money over the next few weeks, it’s essential to remember that our financial decisions are not just about wealth accumulation or meeting our needs, but are opportunities to glorify God and advance His Kingdom. We may feel concerned, uncomfortable, unsure, or excited about the topic of money, but the most important thing is to align our hearts and actions with God’s will. 

May we all seek to handle our finances in a way that brings joy, purpose, and eternal significance, knowing that when we do, we are participating in something far greater than ourselves—a life lived for the glory of God.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the many blessings You’ve poured into our lives, including the resources You’ve entrusted to us. Help us to approach money not as a master but as a tool to serve Your greater purpose. Grant us the wisdom to manage our finances in a way that aligns with Your will, and give us the courage to be generous, knowing that everything we have is ultimately Yours. Guide our hearts and minds to make decisions that bring honor to Your name, and let our stewardship be a reflection of Your goodness and grace.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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