
The world is constantly seeking purpose and direction. Our LAUNCH initiative offers a transformative perspective on this through Unseen Pursuit, and it’s all about discovering the life God created you for. 

At the heart of LAUNCH are practical steps designed to guide you towards experiencing life to its fullest, grounded in a relationship with Jesus Christ and a commitment to making disciples, as outlined in the Scriptures.

The LAUNCH steps are more than just a roadmap; they’re a call to action for those yearning to align their lives with their God-given purpose. LAUNCH helps us to understand the influence of our mentors and to recognize our passions, abilities, and opportunities for growth and service. Each step encourages deep reflection and proactive engagement with our faith and community.

We’ll explore insights, real-life applications, and a deeper understanding of how to live a life that truly counts for Christ. The journey through LAUNCH will be life-changing, whether you’re a high school graduate pondering your next steps, a professional seeking deeper fulfillment, or someone simply longing for a closer relationship with God.

Step 1: Learning

Who are you learning from?

Learn from Jesus and Others

The Christian faith is both deeply personal and expansively communal. Walking hand in hand with Jesus Christ, feeling the warmth of His love as told in John 3:16 – a love so vast it led to the ultimate sacrifice for our sake. Matthew 28:18-20 gives us the second half of our communal mission. Here, Jesus doesn’t just suggest but commands us to share His teachings and welcome others into this loving family of believers, making disciples across the globe.

This dual purpose – our relationship with Jesus and reaching out to make disciples, is like breathing in and out. It’s a rhythm of drawing in strength, comfort, and love from our personal relationship with Christ and then exhaling that love out into the world, inviting others to experience the same. It’s a beautiful cycle that shapes our faith to be both inwardly fulfilling and outwardly generous. This relationship with Jesus is about being both inwardly transformed and actively participating in a mission that’s as expansive as it is intimate.

Be careful who you choose to listen to and learn from. We’re all influenced by the voices we choose to listen to – be it Jesus, family, friends, celebrities or other public figures. These influential voices shape our understanding of the world and our place within it. It is important to exercise discernment in choosing our mentors and sources of inspiration. 

Ask yourself: What are they teaching us, and how does it affect our view of Christ, and His calling on my life?

Pursue your Passions

What sets your heart on fire? Our passions often point us towards our purpose. Whether it’s serving the underprivileged, creating art, or exploring new cultures, these interests hold clues to the life God has envisioned for us. The key is not to overthink or second guess these passions, but rather to recognize these passions as potential pathways to fulfilling God’s plan for our lives. He’s made you exactly as you are, which includes your passions.

Step 2: Availability

Are you available to new opportunities? 

Sometimes, God uses unexpected paths to open doors or prepare us for the future (like in Exodus 3). Are you willing to embrace these opportunities, or are you so focused on your plans that there’s no room for God to guide you elsewhere?

Recognize Ability

God has made us exactly how we are – He gave us our talents, our abilities and our proficiency to learn new skills. If we realistically assess our abilities and skills, we may see that our natural gifts and talents align with God’s plan for us. 

While future aspirations are important, realistically assessing our strengths and limitations helps us find the path where we can truly flourish and serve God effectively.

Conversely, is there something that just bothers you, makes you feel unsettled or frustrated? Is there a task you feel could be done better, or a program run more effectively? God often uses these feelings to prompt us to take action and they represent opportunities in certain areas of our lives for God to use us. 

Reflect on your abilities. I’ve spoken to many people who aspire to careers that may not align with their strengths. I’m not saying it’s impossible to have a fruitful career that’s not aligned with your strengths, but our purpose often aligns with the natural gifts God has given us. If your hand-eye coordination isn’t the best, maybe a career in professional cricket isn’t the right fit. If numbers confuse you, accounting might not be your path.


Consider that while ability is afforded universally, opportunities are not. People who are born with comparable talents and abilities may be afforded vastly different opportunities throughout their lives, perhaps based solely on the geographical location in which they were born.

Consider the blessing of the opportunity you have been afforded, through no work of your own, and determine to make the most of them. How often do we take it all for granted? Work diligently, remember others who have fewer opportunities than us, and work to create opportunities for others. 

Use your God-given opportunities to their fullest potential. Resolve not to waste them. 

Life is always full of unexpected turns and surprises. The future is inherently unpredictable. Be open to the big and small opportunities God may place in your path. He often uses these moments of opportunity to lead us towards our true calling. For example, we read in the example of Moses in Exodus 3, where he encounters God through the burning bush on Mount Horeb, that being flexible and open, allows God to shape our plans and guide us towards opportunities we might not have ever considered.

Step 3: Upskilling

What are the possible ways for you to upskill?

Growth and Learning

Personal and spiritual growth is a journey that never ends. Continuous learning, whether through formal education, online programs, or hands-on experiences is vitally important and goes hand-in-hand with the previous point laid out above – make the most of your opportunities. 

God is excited to see us grow (Colossians1:9-10). What can you be doing to stretch yourself?

For example, a high school learner may look to explore the possibility of university studies, signing up for an online program, or beginning a trade apprenticeship.

For most of us, growth opportunities abound, and seeking them actively is a testament to our commitment to living out God’s purpose for our lives. Proverbs 18:15  says “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. 

In Daniel 1:17 we read how God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning to four young men. Daniel used this knowledge, growth and learning to later become an advisor to the king.

Serving Others

Following Jesus’s example of service is a cornerstone of the LAUNCH initiative. Jesus came to serve and not to be served (Mark 10:35). We firmly believe that when we follow His example, we move toward His purpose for our lives. 

When we look outward at the needs of others, it prevents us from becoming selfish and naturally brings gratitude and joy.

What problems can you help people solve? 

How can you improve the lives of others? 

The way to do that is to know about the issues people are facing. This will only happen if you care enough about getting to know them.

Step 4: Navigation

What lessons have you learnt navigating life events?

Learn from Experience

Life experiences, both joyful and challenging, can be rich sources of wisdom and growth. God often uses these experiences to guide our path. The Apostle Paul assures us in Romans 8:28, “.. that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” 

Reflect on your own personal journey. Nothing happens by accident; every situation, no matter how difficult, is used by God not only for our own growth but also potentially as a means to bless others. 

Attraction to Nations

Beyond personal challenges, many of us may feel a particular pull towards certain nations or cultures. This draw can be part of God’s unique calling on our lives. In Acts 16:9-10, Paul has a vision of a man from Macedonia begging him to come over to help them. Responding to this call, Paul travels to Macedonia, significantly shaping the spread of the Gospel in that region. Our attractions to different places can have significant spiritual implications.

If you find yourself drawn to a specific country or culture, consider what it is about that place that captivates you. Is it the people, the landscape, the language, or perhaps a sense of unexplained spiritual burden? As you explore these feelings, look for ways your interests and skills might serve God’s purposes there. Perhaps your attraction to a nation is for study, which could deepen your understanding of its history and culture, equipping you for a more informed ministry. Maybe it’s for a permanent move, offering long-term relationships and community impact, or even short-term missions or tourism, where even brief encounters can have lasting spiritual significance.

Step 5: Character and Career

How are you working on your character?

Build Character

Above all, God values our character over our achievements. Scripture is full of admonitions to cultivate virtues that reflect Christ’s nature. Galatians 5:22-23  lists the fruits of the Spirit, which include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

Examin your character. Does it align closely with the virtues that Jesus exemplified? Do you see the fruit of the Spirit in your life? James 1:4 encourages believers to let perseverance finish its work so that they may be “mature and complete, not lacking anything.” This maturity comes from facing trials and choosing to respond with godly character. The fruit of the Spirit, such as patience, humility, and kindness, are spiritual disciplines that are cultivated through daily challenges and interactions, they are not merely moral attributes. 

Consider pinpointing specific aspects of your character that may require improvement, and actively pursue God’s transformative power in those areas. Recognizing our own shortcomings can be challenging due to our inherent “blind spots.” To aid in this personal growth, you might seek accountability partners, engage in consistent prayer and scripture meditation, or consciously practice these virtues in your daily interactions.

Choose a Career Path

Career choices are a significant part of our human lives, and so I encourage you  to view them through the lens of God’s calling on your life. This perspective shifts our focus from personal success to kingdom impact. Each profession, whether in corporate settings, entrepreneurship, or ministry, offers unique opportunities to glorify God and serve others. It’s crucial that our career decisions align with our core values and the passions that God has placed in our hearts, ensuring that our professional lives resonate with our spiritual purpose.

1 Corinthians 10:31 declares, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” This directive encompasses our career choices, challenging us to seek vocations that not only fulfill us but also serve a greater purpose in God’s plan. Whether leading a corporation with integrity, innovating through entrepreneurship, or dedicating oneself to ministry, each path offers a platform to demonstrate the love of Christ and make a tangible impact on the world.

Step 6: Hope

What are you placing your hope in?

Solid Foundation

Central to the LAUNCH framework is the profound truth that Jesus Christ is our unwavering foundation. It’s easy to lose sight of where we’re anchoring our hope. It is entirely necessary to anchor ourselves in Christ, the only source of true security and ultimate purpose.

Matthew 7:24-25 says “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”

This foundation is a guide for every decision we make and every challenge we face. By rooting our lives in Jesus, we align our actions with divine wisdom and navigate life’s complexities with a faith that does not falter when the streams rise or the winds blow. Evaluate where you are placing your hope. Are your ambitions, relationships, and dreams planted in the fertile soil of faith, or are they scattered on the shifting sands of worldly approval and fleeting success?

Producing Fruit

In the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, the seed, which represents God’s word, falls on various types of soil, each representing different responses to the gospel. To produce fruit that has an eternal impact, our first step is to assess and prepare our own hearts. Are we like the path, hardened and impervious to spiritual truths? Or perhaps like rocky ground, initially enthusiastic about our faith but lacking depth and commitment? Or are we choked by the thorns – worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth – preventing us from bearing fruit?

The goal is to become good soil, receptive and nurturing to the word of God. This involves a conscious effort to remove the rocks of stubbornness and pride and to uproot the thorns of materialism and worldly distractions. It’s about cultivating depth through regular study of the Scriptures, prayer, and fellowship with other believers, allowing God’s word to take deep root in our lives.

Actively Participate in God’s Kingdom Work

Once our heart’s soil is prepared, and our foundations set, our focus shifts to actively engaging in God’s work. This means both hearing the word and also applying it in our daily actions. James 1:22 challenges us, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Living out the gospel involves serving others, loving our neighbors, and spreading the good news through our words and deeds. Each act of kindness, each moment of truth spoken, each gesture of love becomes a seed planted in the hearts of others, potentially bearing fruit for eternity.

To ensure our lives have a lasting impact, we must aim to produce fruit that endures. This eternal fruit often manifests as changed lives—people brought closer to Christ through our influence. It might look like discipleship, where we invest in the spiritual growth of others, or through ministries that cater to the physical and spiritual needs of our communities. Galatians 6:9 encourages us, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

We have one shot at life on earth. Make every day count for Christ.

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